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Science Fair

Riverside's “Giants in Science” 23nd Annual Science Fair


Date: March 13, 2025

Time: 9:00-10:30 am

Location: Riverside’s Multi-Purpose Room

That’s right! It’s time to start thinking about this year’s science fair. Riverside’s “Giants in Science” science fair has become quite a tradition that amazes visitors every year. Why have a Science Fair? First of all, it’s a blast! Secondly, it offers students many benefits. It:

  • Stimulates imagination and independent thinking
  • Increases knowledge in many scientific areas • Teaches the use of the processes of science
  • Trains in the organization and completion of major tasks
  • Provides the opportunity to enjoy science The science fair is required for all 5th grade students.

Additionally, K-4 students are also encouraged to participate. (Yes, kindergartners can join too!) Students can work as individuals or partnerships up to three students total. Students have a choice of three different themes to choose from:

  • Scientific Inquiry: Focusing on a question about science and then using the scientific method to help answer the question.
  • Original Invention: Create an invention that will solve a special problem or need that would make the world a better place.
  • Research a Scientist: Choose a scientist that has changed the way we live. Students will learn about a scientist’s life and what he or she contributed to science.

All exhibits must include a hands-on project to enhance the display.

Giants in Science Video

Project Information

Riverside’s science fair will emphasize fun through learning by: Stimulating imagination and independent thinking Increasing knowledge in many scientific areas Teaching the use of the processes of science Training in the organization and completion of major tasks Providing the opportunity to enjoy science Learning the process of effective problem solving Providing the students with the opportunity to share what they have learned with other students and community members. 

Three Project Options

Scientific Inquiry

Original Invention

Research a Scientist